Looking for long-term savings and investment guidance?
Schedule a meeting with a financial planning expert today.
- Collaborate on financial goals
- Devise bespoke savings and investments strategies
- Deliver a consistent, long-term service
- Manage risk
Looking for long-term savings and investment guidance?
Schedule a meeting with a financial planning expert today.
- Collaborate on financial goals
- Devise bespoke savings and investments strategies
- Deliver a consistent, long-term service
- Manage risk
Savings & Investment
When coming into, earning, or hoping to leave money, saving and investment are often a thought that soon follows. Ideally, we want our income to be stable and grow both now and in the future. This requires you – us – to give it attention.
Saving is something we all try to do. ‘Do we need that?’ ‘Can we cut that cost there?’ It’s a common interrogation for your expenses to undergo. It happens for businesses at every scale as well as in households. This is especially true in the current times as the cost of living continues to rise for households in the UK. But, also, due to those price increases, it can feel like saving is impossible. You may need every penny you have. At Perennial Wealth®, we appreciate – and live – the delicate balance.
Apps have made investment opportunities more accessible. After frequenting trusted communities, articles, and books, many wade into the complex world of investment. Our financial advisers don’t doubt your capabilities or your intentions. What we do know and understand, though, is the amount of energy and expertise it takes to both manage and maximise an investment portfolio.
Without professional financial planning, wealth creation can quickly turn into wealth destruction. Having a solid investment strategy is a crucial part of any successful financial plan. We can help you to devise an investment strategy and create a recommendation tailored to your objectives and personal circumstances.
Whether you’ve sold your business, want to plan for your children’s education, or have received an inheritance, we are here to help you take the next steps.

We help you with:
• ISA’s and JISA’s
• Unit trusts & OEICs
• Discretionary Fund Management
• Onshore & Offshore Investment Bonds
Long-Term Planning, Long-Term Commitment
Both saving and investing are geared towards putting your future financial health in the best place possible, but not at the expense of your present budgets and life. Establishing what your goals are is a personal commitment for you and us. What you want is what we want. As such, ensuring you are placing your trust in the right people will be high on your list of priorities.
During your initial meeting – free-of-charge – all that matters is that we get to know you. We are purely working to understand your ambitions, who you are, and be able to help determine what sort of financial future you want. You want to be certain that the people investing your money are the right people for the job, who have your best interests at heart.
The financial advisers we have at Perennial Wealth® are committed to the long-term. Those who you meet in your first consultation, who deliver the advice, and who enact the proposals will be with you at all stages. This helps develop stability between us and you which helps us devise the best plans possible, with the solid foundation we have of mutual understanding.
Please note: the value of investments can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the amount originally invested